Friday 13 January 2017

Things to consider when planning our location

- Is it legal to film where we have planned?
Yes as we have planned to film on a public road. The car also belongs to my group member's father, so it won't be illegal as no one under age will be driving the car.

- Are there any access restrictions? (dates, times, permission, etc)
No, we can film wherever we wish as it is a public road. However, we may find it difficult to ensure that our group members parents are available with the car on that day so we should let them know in advance.

- Is it safe to film at this location?
It is safe if done in an adult manner, as we are filming on a road where there will be cars passing which can be dangerous. It is also safe to film inside the car as we will be supervised by a responsible adult who will be driving the car. 

- Is it physically possible to achieve what we want to achieve at this location?
It is possible to achieve what we want here as the road is the perfect layout as it can be used to create some amazing shots and scenes. The car is also perfect for our opening sequence as it is similar to what you would expect to see in a real thriller film. 

- Does the location suit the genre of the film?
Yes as our thriller is about a kidnapping, which consists of lots of action and running, as well as danger. 

- Is it interesting enough?
Yes, the kidnapping scene in particular is very thrilling and suspenseful. The actress who is playing the victim is also very experienced as she took Drama GCSE and obtained a good grade as well as having previous acting experience, therefore she isn't boring to watch and knows what she's doing.

- Will lighting be an issue?
No as we will be using natural lighting when we are outside, although we will make sure that we are filming at dusk as we want it to be a bit darker outside for our kidnapping scene to add to the suspense.

- Will the weather make a dramatic difference to the sequence?
No although if it has rained or snowed the day before it could be dangerous for the actors as they may slip and injure themselves. Additionally, it could ruin the quality of our shots as it could distract the actors - especially the person who is driving the car. 

- Is there a lot of road traffic nearby?
As we are filming from around 4pm-7pm there may be rush hour traffic as parents are picking their children up from school and people are making their way home from work. However as there are no schools nearby we may not encounter this issue. 

- Will noise be an issue?
Noise won't be an issue as the synchronous diegetic sound of the cars driving past will create a more realistic atmosphere and add to the suspense. When editing. my group and I will decide whether to add sound effects or mute the sound. 

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