Sunday 8 January 2017

Shooting Schedule

Plan for the day:
1:30pm - Meet with the rest of the group at the first location with props and costumes ready for filming.

1:45pm - Set up equipment and make sure that the camera is in the correct position to start filming the first scene.

2:00pm - Filming begins, starting with filming the victim getting on with her daily life while the kidnapper watches from his car.

2:30pm - Kidnapper gets out of his car for a clearer view of his target.

2:40pm - Kidnapper gets back into his car.

2:50pm - Kidnapper follows the victim down the road in his car.

3:10pm - Kidnapper ties up victim and puts her in the boot of his car.

3:20pm - Filming paused for a short break.

3:40pm - Filming resumes with the victim struggling to escape from the kidnapper's lair.

3:55pm - The dad is on the phone to the police concerning the disappearance of his daughter.

4:10pm - Kidnapper pins photo of the victim on his wall of victims.

4:30pm - Equipment is packed away and filming is over.

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