Thursday 5 January 2017

Risk Assessment

  • Driving and filming at the same time could distract the driver and cause them to lose control of the car resulting in an accident. To prevent this from happening we will make sure that the person driving is aware of the filming that will take place so that they don't get distracted by the camera.
  • The person trapped in the boot of the car needs to be cautious and careful when they are in the boot, as if not supervised carefully then they could actually get trapped and seriously injure themselves. To prevent this, my group and I will make sure that there is someone supervising the person in the boot at all times. 
  • The rope to tie up the victim could cause serious harm if tied too tightly and could potentially hurt the actor and cut off their blood circulation, as well as causing rope burn. To prevent this, my group and I will make sure that we don't tie the rope too tight for the victim. 
  • We will need to make sure the car isn't moving when the victim is in the boot as it is against the law and could be dangerous. To prevent this, we will use a jump cut to show the person in the boot whilst the car is stationary. We will also make sure that the car engine is turned off whilst the person is in the boot. 
  • As we are planning on filming our opening sequence in January 2017, it will be cold, so we should take precautions and ensure that we are keeping warm. To prevent us from getting too cold, we should make sure that we are outside for no longer than 20 minutes at a time. 
  • Due to the cold weather it will be difficult to film with the camera as our hands could get too cold that it might affect the quality of our filming. To prevent this, we should take it in turns to film the scenes for our opening sequence by swapping who's filming after each scene whilst everyone else wears gloves to keep their hands warm. 
  • When the kidnapper chases the victim down the road it will be cold and may be icy or wet due to rain. Therefore we will have to be careful as we don't want anyone to get injured or for any of the filming equipment to be damaged. To prevent this we will make sure that we are careful when handling the cameras and walking along the roads. 
  • As we are walking on a public road, someone may steal our equipment off of us whilst we are not looking. Therefore we need to be with the equipment at all times and not leave it unoccupied. Additionally, a pubic road may cause background noise from passing cars and pedestrians, which may affect the filming quality. To prevent this we should make sure that the road isn't too busy at the time of filming. 
  • Lastly, we need to make sure that none of our group lose or break the camera equipment as it is expensive and belongs to the school. To prevent this, we should make sure that we handle the equipment with care and keep it in a safe place when it is not being used. 

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