Friday 14 July 2017

White Lies

Synopsis is an overview of the narrative. It's a break down for the director to be able to inform the artists about their ideas when selling the product to them.

It's clear from the music video that the narrative was about a warped relationship based in East London with a couple that are young, bored and restless.

Through the use of dark colours we can get the sense for the tone of the type of artist and the music they play, and through the concrete environment we get a sense of the band wanting to take themselves seriously.

Through the use of the instruments in the abandoned warehouse, we can tell that the band is organic.

Through the narrative of loads of people working out and the use of a council estate as a backdrop, we get the sense that the band's star image is one of being edgy and anti-authoritarian. Furthermore there are intertextual references to films such a 'Clockwork Orange' and 'This is England 86', as they both feature high rise council estates.

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