Wednesday 19 July 2017

Target audience for different genres

Target Audience Interview

From the feedback we received from our target audience we concluded that people of the same age have different views on how they feel about music videos. We interviewed 17 years olds and found that some people enjoy watching music videos whereas other people said that they would only watch them with friends. I also expected 17 year olds to say that pop would be their favourite genre of music, when in fact I found from my target audience interview that they prefer R&B and classical music which was surprising to me. Lastly, I found that the older generation of people that I interviewed don't watch music videos whereas the younger generation do, demonstrating how music videos are more appealing to the younger generation and therefore we should be targetting our music video at a younger audience. 

Friday 14 July 2017

White Lies

Synopsis is an overview of the narrative. It's a break down for the director to be able to inform the artists about their ideas when selling the product to them.

It's clear from the music video that the narrative was about a warped relationship based in East London with a couple that are young, bored and restless.

Through the use of dark colours we can get the sense for the tone of the type of artist and the music they play, and through the concrete environment we get a sense of the band wanting to take themselves seriously.

Through the use of the instruments in the abandoned warehouse, we can tell that the band is organic.

Through the narrative of loads of people working out and the use of a council estate as a backdrop, we get the sense that the band's star image is one of being edgy and anti-authoritarian. Furthermore there are intertextual references to films such a 'Clockwork Orange' and 'This is England 86', as they both feature high rise council estates.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Hurtwood House Music Video Analysis

  • I like the range of shot choices that they used, especially at the beginning where they showed us close ups of all their hands. I like how they used quick cuts between the lead artist and the people spray painting in the background. They used medium close up shots a lot when focusing on the singer which I think was a good idea. I also like the location choice for the video, as I feel it fits the genre of the song very well as it is a bit mysterious and eery. 
  • The narrative for the video isn't clear. I think it is about mischievous people showing their emotions through the art of graffiti. The people in the video are fighting against authority and give off a rebellious vibe. This can attract people to listen to their music as they aspire to have the same outlook on life to rebel against authority.
  • The music video matches the genre really well. The genre for the song is alternative pop and this video is not normal, so it is alternative. It doesn't play on the normal ideas of role models as they are spray painting on walls and defying authority. 
  • The artist's image here is clear. The artist is a rebel who likes to defy authority and do whatever she wants without a cause for concern. 

The advanced portfolio - pros and cons

The advanced portfolio is a combination of a music video, website and a digipak.

The purpose of the promotional brief in year 13 is to:

  1. Sell the song, and invoke a reaction so that the audience remember the song
  2. To give the audience a better understanding of the song
  3. To entertain and show off the artists talents
  4. To see CDs, DVDs and downloads by creating memorable visuals and build the artist's online profile
  5. Marketing for the purposes of exposure and expansion of the artist's profile
The aim of the music video is ultimately to do the following:
  • To promote a song which in turn promotes an album, sells an image of the artist to the audience and aims to generate money for the record company and then the artist. 
The pros of creating a music video in year 13 are:
  • More freedom when choosing the genre of our song
  • It can be filmed at any location because we live in London, which gives us a wider choice
  • We can be more creative as we have 4 minutes rather than 2 minutes which we had for our Thriller
The cons of creating a music video in year 13 are:
  • Tough to learn the lyrics for the song
  • Harder to edit in time with the music
  • Hard to make it not seem repetitive