Thursday 8 June 2017

Lady Gaga 'Telephone' Analysis

  • Quick cuts and rhythmic editing when Lady Gaga picks up the phone and starts singing 
  • When she says pick up the telephone, we see images of her on the phone
  • There are numerous examples of jump cuts used to signify the break in the song and are used to provide a visual representation of the dances routines. Colour is bright and vibrant and matches the upbeat nature of the song. 
  • Close ups are predominantly used during the lip syncing whereas wide shots are used for dance routines. Close ups are used to express the emotions on the artists face and sell their star image. 
  • The notions of voyeurism are displayed through the use of CCTV cameras, which enables us to watch what is going on through a third eye. 
  • The way the camera is held and positioned gives the audience the sense that they are watching without the characters being aware. We are absent from the room and are being voyeurs. 
  • The narrative is set in a prison and her release.
  • The performance is part of the narrative, with the exception of the dance routines.
  • There are intertextual references (when one media text pays reference to or looks like another media text) as they make reference to the Pussy Wagon from Kill Bill as well as the murder sequence in the diner from Natural Born Killers. There is also reference to Thelma and Louise when they hold hands at the end and drove off the cliff together. 

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