Tuesday 12 September 2017

Album Cover

For this task we were given the link to an article on 'The Guardian' which allows you to create your own album cover by using a random generator. The random generator assigns you with a band name which is the title of a randomly generated wikipedia article. The article which I was randomly taken to was for Maurice Drummond, who was the longest serving deputy commissioner of Police of the Metropolis. In order to create a title I used the website 'Flaming Text' which has a range of different title fonts. 

After I had selected a band name I was given a randomly generated album title. The title that I had been given was 'I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous', which was from a list of random quotations. To create the font for the album name I used the same website as my band name title but selected a different font in order to differentiate it from my band name title. 

The final part of the task was to find an image to be the album art. Using Flickr, I was randomly generated an image of a yellow rubber duck floating in a lake. In order to make this picture look like the cover of an album, I used Microsoft Powerpoint by placing the band name and the album name on top of the flickr image and grouping them together to create one picture. 

Below is the finished result of my album cover. 

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