Monday 25 September 2017

Mood board

We decided to create a mood board that would include a range of photos to represent our music video and its narrative. In order to do this we thought about the aspects of our music video idea and searched for photos online that may represent it. 

Below is our final mood board:

Friday 22 September 2017

Shot Choices

As a group we discussed the different shots that we wanted to use in our music video and which ones we felt would really stand out and make our video more interesting. 

Below is a table demonstrating the shots that we decided to use:

Thursday 21 September 2017

Change of song

Because we decided to change our music video idea we had to change the song in order to fit in with the new idea. Therefore we chose the song 'DJ got us fallin in love' by Usher. The lyrics in the song relate to our video because in our music video it is shown that the DJ is shooting a cupid arrow at each girl making them fall in love with the gym instructor. 

Wednesday 20 September 2017

The lyrics of our song

The lyrics are vital in our music video because we will need to make sure that our actors are able to lip sync to the song whilst dancing. This can be quite difficult and therefore we are going to limit the amount of lip syncing needed by cutting parts of the song and just dancing rather than singing to the music. 

Our Chosen Song

As a group we looked at all our three options that we had narrowed down and came to a decision on what song we felt was best to use in our final music video. We decided to use the song 'Chunky' by Format B because we felt that it was a happy and light hearted song which would fit perfectly with the narrative of our music video. We also felt that it had just the right elements that we needed to make our music video fit our aim; such as the beat and lyrics together because we are aiming to have snippets of a DJ within our video, as well as being a house song and not too fast so that people will be able to dance to it in an exercise routine. 

Looking at different song choices

Looking at different workout routines

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Wednesday 13 September 2017

Feedback on our idea

The feedback we received after we had presented our idea to our class proved to be very useful as we are still finalising our plans for our music video. As a group we thoroughly looked over every aspect of our idea and edited it according to the feedback we received. 

Our New Idea

After initially brainstorming several different ideas, my group and I have decided that we are going to base our music video along the lines of one of the ideas, however we made some changes to it. The idea we decided to manipulate was our third idea about the instructor coming out as gay and expressing his emotions through dance. We decided to change this idea slightly as we felt that it was too simple and similar to other music videos.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Album Cover

For this task we were given the link to an article on 'The Guardian' which allows you to create your own album cover by using a random generator. The random generator assigns you with a band name which is the title of a randomly generated wikipedia article. The article which I was randomly taken to was for Maurice Drummond, who was the longest serving deputy commissioner of Police of the Metropolis. In order to create a title I used the website 'Flaming Text' which has a range of different title fonts. 

After I had selected a band name I was given a randomly generated album title. The title that I had been given was 'I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous', which was from a list of random quotations. To create the font for the album name I used the same website as my band name title but selected a different font in order to differentiate it from my band name title. 

The final part of the task was to find an image to be the album art. Using Flickr, I was randomly generated an image of a yellow rubber duck floating in a lake. In order to make this picture look like the cover of an album, I used Microsoft Powerpoint by placing the band name and the album name on top of the flickr image and grouping them together to create one picture. 

Below is the finished result of my album cover. 

Camera and Editing techniques in Stranger Things

For this task we were shown a video which show the editing and camera techniques used in Stranger Things. We were then asked to answer the following questions on the video:

Explain what you liked and why?
In the video from Stranger Things, I liked the quick cuts and the fast paced zoom shots as they created suspense within the narrative of the video. I also liked the blurred shots as they created the idea of a horror genre.

How it can/ will influence your music video ideas.
These ideas from Stranger Things will influence our music video as the camera and editing techniques helped demonstrate the genre and narrative of the video. The Stranger Things video also gave us ideas on what type of camera and editing techniques were effective and which ones worked well.

Explain how you can integrate any of the creative ideas into you music video.
In our music video we could use some of the camera techniques used in Stranger Things such as a close up to show a person's emotions and a tracking shot to create the idea of a person being followed. We could also use some of the editing techniques such as an eye line match to show what someone is looking at and quick cuts to create the effect that time is going by fast.

Explain and evaluate how this will improve your music video and your creativity?
This will improve our music video and creativity as we can use these camera and editing techinques in our music video in order to create a more interesting and eye catching narrative. The camera and editing techniques will also help us to highlight certain parts of our music video which we would like to emphasise in order to show their importance to the narrative of our video.