Thursday 9 February 2017

Evaluation of script

The script for our opening sequence doesn't really contain much long conversation or any other dialogue, apart from Sophia shouting and screaming and her father on the phone to the police. The mysterious non-diegetic music towards the end increases the pace as tension builds up as it is only  played when the kidnapper is present. This music is pre-recorded allowing it to be heard clearly and to work more conveniently. Throughout our opening sequence, this short script will be the only dialogue involved. We think the less speaking we have in the opening minutes will make it more anticipating and therefore more exciting for our audience, ensuring that suspense is built up throughout. This portrays the characters as more anxious, making the audience eager to carry on watching and keeping them on the edge of their seats. Due to the main reason our script doesn't contain much dialogue, there is not much to say within essence of visualising the characters feelings and emotions. However, it does help to portray the victims emotions as feeling extremely panicked and traumatised. This is shown from the expression of the *screaming and yelling loudly* of Sophia's fear and distress, highlighting her feelings of terror. In addition to this, her fathers emotions seem very overwhelmed by the tragic news that he has just heard about his daughter. This is clearly shown when he says "I'd appreciate if you update me as soon as you know more", evidently emphasising how he is anxious and on edge about what has happened. Moreover, the non diegetic background music helps in order to foreshadow later events that will be partaking throughout the rest of our opening sequence. This is because the mood goes from joyful and optimistic to fearful and frightening, thus creating tension in our opening sequence which is what we want for our audience in order to make them feel more alerted, therefore making them want to keep watching. 

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