Friday 23 December 2016

How is gender presented positively and stereotypically in the sequence from Skyfall?

In the sequence from Skyfall, mise en scene is used to show how James Bond is in control as his assistant 'Money Penny' waits for him in the car. The stereotype of how women are bad drivers is also  presented through Money Penny as she smashes both of the car mirrors at which point Bond then takes control of the steering wheel, showing how once again Bond is in control. However, M is also presented as someone who is in charge, although she is portrayed to look masculine through her short hair. This implies how in order to have power, women must act like men to sustain an authoritative position.

Sound is also used to show how James Bond is an action hero, as non diegetic sound is used through fast paced action music to show how he is going to catch the villain. There is also a diegetic voice over from M which demonstrates how she is in charge as she gives Bond instructions on what he should do. Dialogue is also used by Bond as he tells Money Penny to 'keep her head down.' This implies how Bond is in control due to his male gender as he is the one giving instructions.

Additionally, there is a wide shot from behind M when she is standing at the front of her office, which shows how she is in control of everyone who works there. This can be depicted as when everyone else is working she overlooks them, demonstrating her high authority. There is also a medium close up of Bond when he is on the motorbike, showing how serious he is and the determination in his face.  The tracking shots and close ups that are captured by the camera present Bond as the action hero, as he is the character that the camera mainly follows.

Lastly, editing is used as there is cross cutting between two scenes to show how they are happening at the same time. The fact that M is in the office behind the scenes while Bond is the one who is where all the action is happening demonstrates the stereotype of men going out to work and women staying at home. The quick cuts are used to reinforce how James Bond is the hero as they show him overcoming danger. The eye line match that shows Bond taking the steering wheel shows how he is taking control and that Money Penny isn't capable of controlling the car.

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